How a Russian traveler compared Chinese in three words

How a Russian traveler compared Chinese in three words

3 min

A Russian traveler decided to go to China and found that the Chinese language was a real challenge for him. He felt unprepared and often did not understand what the locals were saying. The traveler almost despaired. But after much observation and communication with the locals, he came to several conclusions and compared the Chinese language with three words: "unique", "subtle" and "mysterious".

Why is Chinese unique?

Chinese is unique because it is the only language that uses the hieroglyphic writing system. Chinese characters not only stand for individual words, but also combinations of words and concepts that can have many meanings. Therefore, learning Chinese can be fun and interesting, as it covers a wide range of Chinese knowledge and culture.

Why is Chinese a thin language?

Chinese is also subtle and nuanced. The pronunciation of words can change with tones, and even a small change can change the meaning of a word. This makes Chinese difficult to learn, but also interesting and respected for its complexity and precision.

Why is Chinese mysterious?

Finally, Chinese is mysterious because it can be unpredictable and confusing for foreigners. Words and phrases can be spelled and pronounced in many different ways and it can be difficult for an unprepared listener to figure out what is meant.

Despite these difficulties, learning Chinese has many benefits. It can open doors to understanding Chinese culture, thinking and economics and will be a valuable skill for those who want to travel and work with Chinese culture.
