Collection of articles and Chinese language materials - CHINECT


Here we share Chinese language materials and articles about China, its culture and traditions

Is it possible to learn Chinese as an adult

We tell you whether it is possible to learn Chinese as an adult and what rules you should follow


Why do children prefer to learn Chinese rather than English

We'll tell you why parents often notice that their child prefers Chinese instead of English


How long does it take to learn pinyin

We tell you how long it takes to study the Pinyin system in order to fully understand it and use it when communicating with the Chinese


How do the Chinese communicate in instant messengers

We share information about how the Chinese actually communicate in modern instant messengers and why they need pinyin for this


Why do you need pinyin in Chinese

We briefly explain what pinyin is, when and why it appeared, and why every beginner who has started learning Chinese needs to know it.


Why 80% of students will not learn Chinese or the 3 main mistakes of learners

We tell you what the main mistakes when learning Chinese lead to the fact that 80% of students never speak this language


Why are tones needed in Chinese

In 3 minutes of reading the article, we explain what the tones of the Chinese language are, how many of them there are, and what will happen if you don’t learn them


Learn to speak Chinese in 3 minutes

We show with simple examples how affirmative and interrogative sentences are constructed in Chinese


How cities will sound in Chinese

The names of cities in Chinese are often similar to how they sound in Russian. Let's talk about it in more detail and give examples.


How to easily remember the days of the week in Chinese

Chinese is a very logical language. We tell you how easy it is to remember the days of the week from Monday to Saturday, knowing only numbers and one important word


How are months formed in Chinese

Discovering an easy way to memorize months in Chinese. We learn 12 new words at once, knowing the numbers and one important word


The two easiest Chinese words

Some Chinese words are quite easy to learn by ear. We offer to memorize 2 words that you are unlikely to spend more than 10 seconds memorizing


Why is China called China

The name of China comes from its historical people inhabiting one of the regions of the ancient state. In the article we reveal the secrets of its appearance


Why is Kitay-gorod so called

You have probably heard of Kitay-gorod in Moscow. In the article we tell where this name came from and how it is connected with the Chinese


Why PRC is China

If you often meet China and do not know what kind of country it is and why it is called that, read our article


Why are there stars on the Chinese flag

If you look closely at the flag of China, you will see 5 stars on it. In the article we tell what they mean for the Chinese nation.


Why did the Chinese build the Great Wall of China

We talk about one of the most amazing cultural monuments and reveal the secrets of why the Chinese built the Great Wall of China


Why do the Chinese collect dandelions

In China, dandelions have a special meaning. We tell how this plant managed to win over the Chinese nation and why they are often collected in China


Do the Chinese really cook and eat stones

We reveal the secrets of Chinese traditions about the use of stones in cooking in antiquity and at the present time


Why do people drink hot water in China

You must have heard that the Chinese often drink hot water. We tell why they do it and how it is connected with health, hygiene and longevity


Why is Chinese difficult

We explain what are the main difficulties in learning Chinese that beginners face at the very first stages


Why learn Chinese

We explain why Chinese is of particular interest and why students of all ages learn this language


Why is China called the Land of the Rising Sun

We tell you why not only Japan can be called the land of the rising sun and where such a name came from


Why are the Chinese afraid of the number 4

We will tell you why you rarely see the number four in China and why the Chinese do not welcome this number in any of its manifestations


Why all pandas belong to China

Did you know that all the pandas in the world belong to China? We tell in the article how it happened and why all the zoos in the world turn to China for pandas


Why is China called China

We reveal the secret of the origin of the name Celestial for the Chinese state, which refers us to the period before our time


Why are there so many people in China

We explain why China until recently was the most populous country in the world with a population of about 1.4 billion people


3 common mistakes in learning Chinese language

If you are just starting to learn Chinese, then you probably want to know how to do it right. But we suggest paying attention to what you don’t need to do if you want to speak Chinese


Why is Chinese called Mandarin

We discover the secret of the connection between Chinese and mandarins and explain where such a historical name for the language of the Middle Kingdom came from


What discoveries and inventions were made in China

We talk about the contribution of Chinese civilization to the development of the world through the invention of the compass, paper and books


What is yin-yang in Chinese culture

We briefly explain what Yin-Yang is, when this concept was born, what it is and what significance it has for the history of China and its present


Curve of forgetting or the discovery of Hermann Ebbinghaus

We tell you how important it is to rely on the Forgetting Curve when learning Chinese and why we constantly repeat the material covered in school


How many hours does it take to learn Chinese?

We share our experience and tell you how many hours you need to devote to Chinese in order to reach HSK level 1. We take into account both studying at school and independent study


Chinese language training program

We share the Chinese language training plan for 1 month. The program includes the possibility of both classes with a teacher and self-study


Russian names in Chinese

We tell you how the Chinese change foreign names into their language and why your name can be very different from the usual one


Where to work with knowledge of Chinese: 6 popular vacancies for sinologists

We tell you who a specialist with knowledge of the Chinese language can work with and what is required for this


Which Chinese to learn: Simplified or Traditional

We explain what forms of writing are in Chinese and what is better to choose for a beginner to learn


How many characters do the Chinese know

We tell how many hieroglyphs an ordinary Chinese resident knows and how their number changes depending on the profession


What is HSK in Chinese language

We tell you what HSK is, what levels there are and how much it costs to test your knowledge of Chinese


Chinese transcription

We tell you what the transcription is called in Chinese and how to use it correctly


How a Russian traveler compared Chinese in three words

We tell you what the traveler from Russia compared the Chinese language with and what three words he called it


How long does it take to learn Chinese

We tell you how long you need to study Chinese to reach different levels of HSK


What is pinyin

We explain what pinyin is and how it makes reading Chinese characters easier


What are keys in Chinese

We tell you what Chinese keys are, how many there are and why it is so important to learn them


What are the benefits of learning Chinese for children

5 reasons why Chinese is good to learn from childhood


How many characters do you need to know to speak Chinese

We explain how many of the 80,000 Chinese characters you need to know in order to speak Chinese


Why are Russians treated so well in China

4 reasons why the Chinese people are so warm towards Russia and the Russians


What are graphemes in Chinese

We tell you what Chinese graphemes are and why it is so important to start learning hieroglyphs from them


3 tips for beginners when learning hieroglyphs

We tell you how to learn Chinese characters correctly so that you don’t have to relearn in the future


What are tones in Chinese

We tell in the article about Chinese tones with examples. We answer whether it is necessary to know the tones and whether it is difficult to learn them
