Why are Russians treated so well in China

Why are Russians treated so well in China

3 min

Everyone who has ever been to China notes the friendliness and friendliness of the inhabitants of China to tourists. But with special warmth, the Chinese treat the inhabitants of Russia, and there are several reasons for this.

Common values and traditions

Despite the obvious external and cultural differences, China and Russia have many similarities. First of all, this concerns family values, love for the Motherland, raising children. Such a foundation brings the two peoples together to this day.

Historical friendship

Russia and China have a rich history, but these countries have never been at war. On the contrary, in all major conflicts, both sides often acted in alliance against an external threat.

State cooperation

Russian-Chinese relations are reliable and promising. Both countries cooperate closely in various fields and publicly support each other on most international issues.

Cultural interest

Russian literature, poetry, music and cuisine - all this arouses sympathy among the Chinese. Therefore, they gladly host Russians and immerse themselves in Russian culture with interest.

Of course, the warm attitude of the Chinese towards Russia is not limited to these 4 reasons. What else do you think brings the two peoples together? Write about it in the comments.
