What is HSK in Chinese language
You have probably come across this abbreviation, even if you are just starting to learn Chinese. But what does she mean?
What is HSK?
HSK is a test that determines your level of Chinese language proficiency. It was developed in China back in 1980 and is now used all over the world.
What are they?
The HSK test has 6 levels. From HSK 1 (easiest) to HSK 6 (most difficult). You choose which level to apply for.
Testing includes 3 aspects: reading, listening and writing (starting from HSK 3). Conversational skills are tested using a separate, oral exam.
How much does it cost to take the HSK?
The cost of passing the test is from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles. Duration from 40 minutes to 2+ hours. It depends on the level of HSK.
On average, students at our school reach HSK 1 in three months and HSK 2 in six months π
What HSK do you have?