Why 80% of students will not learn Chinese or the 3 main mistakes of learners

Why 80% of students will not learn Chinese or the 3 main mistakes of learners

3 min

Or rather, why do students give up learning Chinese without speaking it?

The Chinakt school is sure that the problem is the wrong approach.

We often hear from students that they have tried to learn Chinese once before. In courses, with a tutor, on your own.

But, alas, nothing came of it. And now they come to us - to start from scratch. What's the matter? Here are 3 possible reasons.

Boring lessons

100500 sounds and 0 words

This approach undermines student motivation. After all, he teaches and teaches, but still knows nothing

Memorization of hieroglyphs

Copybooks, copybooks, copybooks...

A popular mistake is to memorize characters before learning to communicate in Chinese.

Lack of system

We teach to teach...

Studying without understanding where the finish line is is bad study. Therefore, students are disappointed in Chinese

Therefore, we recommend adopting our experience in teaching Chinese. Speak the language from the first day of mastering it, wisely allocate time for learning hieroglyphs and set specific goals and deadlines to which you are working.

Or leave a request for training - an introductory lesson at a discount for 400 rubles.
