Why learn Chinese

Why learn Chinese

3 min

Chinese is a trend. In 2023, both children and adults are interested in it. We answer why many began to learn Chinese

Immersion in Eastern culture

The history, philosophy and writing of China have been developing for more than 5 thousand years! Students fall in love with art and cinema, literature and the sights of one of the oldest civilizations

Investment in the future

Russian-Chinese relations are promising and reliable. Since 2019, graduates have been taking Chinese as a subject of the Unified State Examination. Language learners make rational choice

All-round development

By learning Chinese, you train your visual memory, ear for music and even handwriting. It helps in self-development for both children and adults

New acquaintances

Every sixth inhabitant of the planet speaks Chinese. Knowing this language, you expand your circle of communication and discover the world of a new culture

Study abroad

Chinese education is valued all over the world. Knowing Chinese, you can get a grant for free education and give a great start to your international career

Career prospects

Knowledge of the Chinese language opens the door to doing business with China, employment in foreign economic activity and other areas that are especially relevant in the 21st century

Thus, knowing Chinese now is useful. And the trend is unlikely to change in the coming decades.
