How long does it take to learn Chinese
Based on the experience of school students and research data, we share the average pace of learning. For convenience, we will rely on the HSK tests — Chinese language exams that are conducted to test the level of language proficiency and confirm qualifications.
HSK 1 — 3-4 months
We already know simple hieroglyphs, we know how to introduce ourselves, talk about ourselves and understand the interlocutor
HSK 2 — 6-9 months
We speak more complex phrases, build basic dialogues in Chinese, and speak up to 300 characters
HSK 3 — 12-18 months
We support all the main topics of conversation, share our thoughts in Chinese
HSK 4 — 24 months
Watch movies with subtitles and content in Chinese. We say whatever we want
HSK 5 — 36 months
We freely communicate with native speakers, watch films, read in Chinese
HSK 6 — 60 months
Close to fluency in the language
The presented learning rates are averaged, the results of a particular student can vary significantly in both directions